Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Baby-room

This is the baby-room. The room where this group of 0-8 month olds play during the day. Their bedroom is adjacent to this room. In the bedroom each child has their own crib. The blonde care-taker in the second picture appears to be Lauren's favorite. We don't know the lady's name, but you can tell when looking into her eyes that she cares about Lauren like she would care about her own child. The baby sitting up in the second picture is Natasha. She's Lauren's age. Her mother left her at the orphanage because she can't care for her (she already has four children) but she has not given up her parental rights. Once Natasha has been at the orphanage for a certain amount of time without her mother visiting the state can take over and make the child available for adoption. After visiting Lauren for 9 days now Natasha has bonded with us from a distance and does whatever she can to gain our attention. We would bring Natasha home too if we only could.


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