Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ready Or Not...

Ready or not ---- Lars is leaving today to pick Olivia up and bring her home. She should be leaving the orphanage forever on Monday, July 14th at the latest. We are hoping to be able to show Olivia Fox Island and her new home and surroundings shortly after that.


Blogger Suz said...


Congratulations on your two beautiful Kaz daughters!!

I just found your blog and have been reading it from the beginning.

I was reading the part about your adoption of Lauren and noticed on your November 19, 2005 post a picture of a baby that I recognized! I'm sure you probably already know this, but the baby Natasha that you mentioned was (I'd be 99.9999% sure) adopted by the Youngs at I just thought if by some fluke chance your two paths never crossed, they would love to have this earlier picture of Leah!

9:01 PM  

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