Friday, December 23, 2005

Lauren at 6 weeks

This is Lauren at six weeks of age. The Director of the orphanage gave us this photo from Lauren's file just after we had first met her. It is the only photo we have of Lauren prior to our meeting when she was 7 months old.
As far as postings are concerned, this is the best we can do at the moment. Dawn took the laptop with her to Kazakhstan.... but unfortunately she left the power-cord at home... She has not been able to find a replacement cord.
Dawn is promising that she will do a day by day accounting of her time since she returned to Kazakhstan as soon as she gets back home --- complete with photos and everything.
Dawn & Lauren are in Ust-Kamenogorsk until Sunday 12/25 when they will travel to Almaty. Then as soon as Lauren's passport comes in and they have the de-briefing at the U.S. Consulate in Almaty they will be able to come home. They have airline tickets for the 2nd of January. Hopefully everything will work out to where they will be able to come home then.
Lauren is doing great. Since she has left the orphanage life has just been one big party... one adventure after the next. So many new things to see and do! She's even eating well... as long as it is on her terms.


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